Flera av våra forskare inom litteratur, idéhistoria och religion kommer att medverka under Bokmässan.
Projektet är en samverkan mellan företaget Elten som tillverkar skyddsskor till industrin och forskare vid Centrum för hälsa och prestation (CHP) vid Göteborgs universitet. Sensorbaserad mätning av ...
Välj bland alla våra utbildningar i Kurs- och programkatalogen, läs intervjuer med tidigare studenter, eller få tips på vad du göra efter dina studier.
In the autumn semester of 2024, seven PhD students from our partner university Universidad Mayor de San Simón in Bolivia will visit the School of Global Studies. During their visit, several research ...
Looking for a new study destination? The University of Gothenburg is a non-hierarchical, openminded environment, where your ambition can run free. Chat with our staff and student ambassadors to learn ...
An advanced hands-on PhD course (3 ECTS). In order to fully accomplish the course, the student should attend all tutorial lectures and practical sessions. For every tutorial session a short report ...
Vill du läsa masterprogrammet i tillämpad biostatistik? För att bli antagen måste du uppfylla grundläggande behörighetskrav, bifoga vissa dokument och fylla i vår CV-mall. För att bli antagen till ...
Do you want to study the Master's programme in Applied Biostatistics? In order to be accepted you must meet the basic entrance requirements, submit certain documents and fill out our CV template.
The programme is intended for those interested in data, statistics, and life sciences. We provide you with the proficiency needed to work with biostatistics both nationally and internationally. You ...
Each year, a number of researchers from other countries come to the Department of Journalism, Media, and Communication (JMG). Hosting visiting researchers is important for strengthening the department ...
Alena Seredko, Department of Education, Communication and Learning is defending her thesis with the title Doing Knowledge @Scale: Sociomaterial Practices and Professional Learning of Software ...
Title ”Unveiling latent variables affecting protein interactions using survivin as a model protein” Opponent Professor Monika Fuxreiter, Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Padova, ...