Interneuron differentiation was grouped into four stages: iPSC (Day 0), neural progenitor cells ... Syndrome patient iPSCs during GABAergic interneuron differentiation. A. Venn diagrams showing the ...
While damaged neurons in the brain and spinal cord have limited ability to regenerate, the brain can form or strengthen alternative neural pathways involving uninjured parts of the brain ...
Together, the findings suggested that 17α-estradiol extensively reshaped the cell populations, cellular communication, neuropeptide secretion, and neural synapse activity in aged hypothalamus, which ...
These drawings, which first appeared in the journal Advances in Protein Chemistry in 1981, became known as ribbon diagrams. Richardson’s drawing style was quickly adopted. Structural biologists ...
The authors do not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organization that would benefit from this article, and have disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond ...
Dr. Ma adds, "Our results show that BB1 prevented the TNF-α increase in intestinal tight junction permeability via a toll-like receptor (TLR)-2 signal transduction pathway inhibition of NF-kB p50 ...
Inspired by professor of climate science Ed Hawkins' climate warming stripes, the air quality stripes depict particulate matter (PM) concentrations in 176 cities worldwide since 1850. These tiny ...
However, the ethical debate over the use of these sources has led to the search for other sources from both adult neural origins and adult non-neural origins, such as stem cells from bone marrow.