Dr Karolina Sulek, study author who performed the analysis at the Steno Diabetes Centre Copenhagen, said: 'Early recognition of children at risk for these life-threatening diseases is crucial.
By joining Breakthrough T1D Walk, you will help us create a movement to improve and change life with type 1 diabetes, advancing life-changing breakthroughs on the way to cures.
However, there are other symptoms that may alert you to this disease. A diagnosis can feel life changing, but type 2 diabetes is very manageable if caught early. Read on to learn about other ...
Scientists from the University of Copenhagen have detected lipid biomarkers in children and teenagers with obesity that indicate an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, liver and heart ...
By joining Breakthrough T1D Walk, you will help us create a movement to improve and change life with type 1 diabetes, advancing life-changing breakthroughs on the way to cures. T1D is an ...
People who are more active at night often referred to as night owls have a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes, according to a study. Those who stay up late are more likely to smoke or have ...
If you haven’t jumped on the bandwagon yet, it’s not too late to discover the benefits of wheatgrass. Yes, it’s true—wheat ...
A new type of blood test using lipids could make it easier to identify children at risk of complications around obesity ...
Managing weight and diabetes can feel overwhelming, but meal prepping offers a simple and effective way to take control of ...
Implanting a pouch of stem-cell-derived pancreas cells under the skin of type 1 diabetics has enabled them to live without ...
“Genes play a large role in the development of diabetes,” Bacon and Matz write. “We’re all born with challenges in our genetic code — as well as in our life circumstances — and this is ...
Read this article to learn about supporting palliative care patients and their families with eating and drinking concerns.