'n Swartrenosterbul is tussen verlede Maandag en Saterdag op 'n plaas in die Otavi-distrik in die Otjozondjupastreek gestroop. Volgens die Namibiese polisie se weeklikse misdaadverslag is die karkas ...
Logistics het onlangs hul nuwe program vir korporatiewe maatskaplike verantwoordelikheid onder die vaandel ‘Chains of Kindness’ gestig.“Ons is geweldig trots op ...
Nearly 7 million Americans are living with Alzheimer's disease, the fifth leading cause of death among those 65 and older. The disease will carry an estimated $360 billion ...
Die Grootfontein Skou het Woensdag afgeskop en duur tot vandag. Die tentoonstelling en beoordeling van topstoetvee en ’n perdeskou is die hoogtepunte van die landbouskou waar ’ As jy n aktiewe ...
Agriculture minister Calle Schlettwein says entities set up to help farmers have done the opposite, and have not contributed towards creating a sustainable agri-sector. He made ...
Recognising hard-working individuals of all ages and diverse cultures who want to lead better lives and aspire to success, Bank Windhoek will launch the Selekt Red offering ...
The tabling of the Investment and Promotion Facilitation Bill will not only help front-load micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), but will help foster a culture ...
This month marked the start of the two-pot retirement system in South Africa, which will divide members’ benefits into two separate pots: A savings pot and a retirement ...
Neem asseblief kennis: Om die artikel te lees, voer asseblief jou besonderhede hieronder in. Jy sal nie weer hoef te registreer vir toekomstige besoeke nie. Toegang voor 12:00 - As jy n opbetaalde ...
Mofuka Properties has quickly become a key player in Namibia's real estate industry, offering sales, rentals and property management services.Founded ...
In droë, halfwoestynlande soos Namibië het die meeste plattelanders en selfs inwoners in verskeie dorpe slegs grondwater om te drink en mee te boer. Is hierdie water veilig om te As jy n aktiewe ...